By Jhoni | October 27, 2020 | What I wish I knew in my 20's
Before you ask why I'm writing this....I'm 35. Let's just get this out in the open. Clear the air. Come to an understanding. I am that old😜. So I feel like since my 20's ended over 5 years ago, I'm old enough to do this blog (and a bunch of other things)...So let's chat!
1. If you want to switch careers...DO IT NOW.
This is easier said than done. I know that most of the time in your twenties, you don't know you want to switch careers until you're in your 30's (ie. me), but if you feel like this might not be the career for you...SWITCH. It is much easier to do it younger. You won't have to account for as much dead time (time when you're not working). You also probably have less responsibility in your 20s (no husband/wife or child) and you are free to explore careers!
2. SAVE YOUR MONEY. PROTECT YOUR CREDITThere isn't a whole lot to say about this because the title speaks for itself. You'll thank your younger self later.
3. Live with your parents for as long as possible.
This doesn't apply to everyone, I know. However, those of you who are blessed with parents who will let you stay for free or a fraction of what you would pay if you had your own place, DO IT. I know we rush to have freedom and our own place, but you have your whole life for that. Unless you have to leave...I would suggest you stay for as long as possible and save up as much money as you can.
4. Everyone is not going to like you.
I used to be one of those people who cared when someone had an issue with me. I remember wanting to figure out 'what I did' or 'how I can make it better. Let me tell how much I don't care about that at 35. As I have reached this ripe old age, I realize that many people aren't going to like you out of jealousy over who loves you and over what you've accomplished.
5. Don't be in a rush to settle down.
Now, if he/she is the one, then they are the one. However, don't get caught up in your own know...the "I want to be married by 25, first baby by 28..blah blah blah. Having your own timeline tends to cause you to rush and marry the wrong person. Don't make a bad decision in your 20s that you will be paying for in your 30's...or any age for that matter. Trust me! I know plenty of people bound to the "wrong person" forever, through a child or just for a long time for financial reasons.
6. Get over a breakup as fast as you can.
The truth of the matter is this...VERY, VERY rarely, do you miss the guy or girl from your 20's into your 30's. You usually realize that the guy or girl was never the one and you thank God for blocking that relationship. Trust me..I miss no man from my 20's and no man from my early 30's either
7. Relationships shouldn't be that hard...
People take the idea that "relationships are work" to justify staying in bad relationships. Yes, it may take a bit of work for 2 people in a marriage to stay together for years, but things like "respect" are not work. Don't stay in situations where you are not respected. If you find that that is the case, get out before you get married. I promise these things DO NOT get better, they only get worse. Get out before you get married and get out before you have a baby.
This was fun. What are some of the things you wish your younger self knew??