By Jhoni | October 10, 2020 | Media Press Kit
What is a media kit? Why do I need one?
Simply put, a media kit is visually appealing and convenient way to show a brand why they should work with you. A great way to look at a media kit, or media press kit, is the same way an employer views your resume. It should condense all of your qualifications and accolades into a central document that is fully representative of your brand as an influencer. Think about it this way, does your media press kit answer all of the questions a potential employer would want answered?
If you want to work with brands as an influencer, you need a media kit!
What should I put in my media kit?1. A brief bio.
Talk about who you are. Where are you from? How long have you been an influencer? Talk about the things that you are into and the things that are true to your brand. If you are into makeup, this is a great place to include that you are a beauty blogger. If you are heavily into video games, this is where you would include that you are a youtube gamer, for example. Talk about things that give people an idea of what type of content you are prone to putting out.
2. Information about your platforms and followings.
This is where you need to mention all of the platforms that you are active on. Let me take this time to reiterate that you should only mention platforms that you are CONSISTENTLY active on. It actually might make a brand second guess you if you say you are active on Instagram, but the last time you posted was 1 month ago. This is also where you should talk about your following. Brands need to know the demographics of your followers, as this will determine how beneficial to them you can be. Mention where a majority of your followers are from, their age ranges and whether they are male or female. This is important!
3. Scopes of work you are available for.
This simply means 'what kind of jobs can a brand contract you for'? Include things like social media posts or blog posts. I go into more detail on this in a previous blog called 5 ways to make money as an influencer. It is important for brands to know what options they have have to use your influence! This could determine if a brand wants to work with you. Some brands may specifically be interested in in-person bookings, so to see that this is one of the things you offer would definitely be in your favor.
4. Previous work and accolades.
Let me be clear, here we need to see what you have done thus far in your influencer career, but keep certain detail proprietary. This would be a great time to mention that you worked with department store X or Brand Y, but be careful not to release any contact information or any monies you were paid for the contract. However, a great place you can go into detail is with your personal accolades. Talk about any awards you've received and any publications that you have been in. This is the "portfolio" part of your media kit. Highlight the BEST aspects of your career. Really make this section look good. Include the best campaigns and collaborations you've been don't have to include every one.
5. Your contact information.
6. I made my media what?
Ok. This is a great question. Don't go emailing your press kit to brands you want to work with all unsolicited. The press kit should be given to brands that request it. This usually happens at the beginning, when you are in the negotiation phase before a brand says they want to work with you. It is also beneficial to get your press kit to the influencer agency you work with!