By Jhoni | July 16, 2020 | 3 Loc Tips| Beauty
Oh hey, welcome back! For those of you who are new to Jhoni Locran on instagram, I usually get a ton of questions, specifically from starter loc'ers. I always try to make sure that I answer as many of y'alls questions as possible. The truth is, there is a lot to know before you start your locs and unless you know exactly what questions to ask, you wont know until its "too late"..if that makes sense...
You see, as much as I knew about locs before I started mine, there was so much more that I didn't. Well...actually, I didn't know anything about them. Literally the only thing I knew was that they looked pretty. I knew that I wanted locs down my back. I knew I wanted them smallish-medium-large. I knew that I probably wanted to color them...I knew that I probably wanted to wear fancy loc jewelry. What I didn't know, was WHEN I would be able to do all of these things. I would venture to bet that if you are a starter loc'er right now, reading this, that you have no idea when you would be able to do all of these things either. And thats ok. You're not supposed to know..because nobody tells you these things before you start.
I feel like I am somewhat of a guinea pig...I just try stuff...then I tell my followers "yeah, don't do that". Sad, but true. So in this blog, I'm going to address 3 main questions that I've been getting a lot lately:
1) When can I color my locs and when can I wear loc jewelry (thats 2 questions but whatever, y'all get 2 for 1)
2) How should I moisturize my locs?
3) What temperature water should I use when washing my hair?
I hope y'all enjoy, and I hope this information is super valuable to you!
You see, as much as I knew about locs before I started mine, there was so much more that I didn't. Well...actually, I didn't know anything about them. Literally the only thing I knew was that they looked pretty. I knew that I wanted locs down my back. I knew I wanted them smallish-medium-large. I knew that I probably wanted to color them...I knew that I probably wanted to wear fancy loc jewelry. What I didn't know, was WHEN I would be able to do all of these things. I would venture to bet that if you are a starter loc'er right now, reading this, that you have no idea when you would be able to do all of these things either. And thats ok. You're not supposed to know..because nobody tells you these things before you start.
I feel like I am somewhat of a guinea pig...I just try stuff...then I tell my followers "yeah, don't do that". Sad, but true. So in this blog, I'm going to address 3 main questions that I've been getting a lot lately:
1) When can I color my locs and when can I wear loc jewelry (thats 2 questions but whatever, y'all get 2 for 1)
2) How should I moisturize my locs?
3) What temperature water should I use when washing my hair?
I hope y'all enjoy, and I hope this information is super valuable to you!